F1600, often called FF or Formula Ford, has a rich history in both the USA and around the world. The first F1600’s were introduced to the USA in 1969 and have been continuously raced ever since. It is a non-winged purpose built single seat race car which is well known to be a great training ground for career minded drivers, and a highly competitive class for all participants. It has a reputation for being one of the most economical classes, and with the addition of the FIT motor from Honda to the class, the cost saving just got better. Many of the top drivers in the world started in FF, including Aryton Senna in Europe and Michael Andretti in the USA. Current alumni of F1600 include Aaron Telitz (Indy Lights), Jake Eidson (Pro Mazda), Garrett Grist (Indy Lights), Colin Thompson (PWC).