Why You Need a Financial Crew Chief ASAP

It’s the opening drive of the big race, and your team is all set, engines revving under the hood. Your top mechanic (CPA) finished fine-tuning the engine & suspension. Your talented pit crew (bankers and insurance brokers) are ready in their positions. Your expert strategists (lawyers) are reviewing the last-minute details.

But wait, no one’s moving!

Without a crew chief, there may be no one to call the shots, strategize the pit stops, or coordinate the crew. NOTHING HAPPENS – on the track and in your finances. Imagine if a team owner tried to manage both the business side and the race strategy…

In motorsports, drivers typically don’t get to choose their crew chiefs, yet this relationship is one of the most pivotal on the track. In your financial race, however, you have the unique opportunity to select your “financial crew chief”.

A financial advisor or planner acts as your crew chief who understands your life in the fast lane and your finances. They’re adept at communicating not only with your entire financial team but also with you, your family, and other significant parties. Effective financial planners:

  • Understand investing, but also estate planning strategies and tax implications.
  • Don’t replace the CPA, estate planning attorney, or other advisors, but rather facilitate communication among them and the team owner (you).
  • Ensure everyone understands every strategy, so no one goes off track.

What else can a Crew Chief do for you?

Define what winning looks like for you

There’s no timer or finish line in real life. What’s your victory? Is it retiring to a quiet life after the cheering stops? Handing down your legacy, or perhaps a business? Cutting down your taxes? Boosting your cash flow? Supporting a charity? All of the above? A financial advisor can help all your “crew members” get in the right positions to secure a win for you.

Help build a dynasty

A financial planner doesn’t just work with you; they also connect with the next generation in the owner’s lounge. They’ll help your heirs understand and execute your financial strategies, avoid costly missteps, and gain more clarity on what it takes to succeed in the long term.

In motorsport, just as in life, having a financial crew chief can mean the difference between merely racing and racing to win. Make sure you have the right person behind the wheel of your financial strategy, so when it’s time to hit the gas, you’re ready to race ahead.

Disclosures:Material discussed is meant for general informational purposes only and is not to be construed as a recommendation or advice. Please note that individual situations can vary therefore, the information should be relied upon only when coordinated with individual professional advice. Elliott is a Registered Representative and Financial Advisor of Park Avenue Securities LLC (PAS). Securities products and advisory services offered through PAS, member FINRA, SIPC. Financial Representative of The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America® (Guardian), New York, NY. PAS is a wholly owned subsidiary of Guardian. Alliance Financial Group is not an affiliate or subsidiary of PAS or Guardian. 2024-175382 Exp 5/26Pre-approved

Elliott Ellis
Author: Elliott Ellis

I help drivers and their families minimize financial risks in an inherently risky business.