Being in the right state of mind

Being in the right state of mind

Your mindset is the way your thoughts are wired and your overall approach to things in your life. How do you feel about new challenges and how do you handle adversity? Your mindset controls a big part of all of this. If you have a growth mindset you will approach challenges with enthusiasm and a notion that ‘I will master this eventually’ – even if it is difficult right now.

If, on the other hand, you are in a fixed mindset you see challenges as something to fight against, when all you want to do is just look good and do good, but not necessarily develop much.

Whether you have a growth mindset or a fixed mindset often comes down to your life experiences. What did your teachers tell you? What were you told by your football coach and how did your parents treat you?

If you are very result oriented it is often a sign that you’re in a fixed mindset. But if you keep your focus on the task you are about to solve and see challenges as opportunities to learn something new, you’re more in a growth mindset. If you want to change your mindset the most important thing is to become aware of the mindset you are currently stuck in. Awareness is a big part of mental training and the more aware you are in
different situations regarding how you act, react and think, the better your chances are of developing in a positive direction.

If you are aware of your situation and your struggles you are one step closer to changing it for the better.

Tommy Schröter
Author: Tommy Schröter

I am the founder and CEO Baseline Driver Training. Developed by racing drivers - for racing drivers.