As I mentioned last week, I have revamped Motorsport Prospects in preparation for 2020 so that I am better placed to offer a number of new services and features. I thought now would be a good time to give a general overview of what is coming.
New Site “Plumbing”
In order for this to be a useful service for race drivers of all types I wanted the site to be fast, efficient, comprehensive and visually appealing. All of these goals are in the process of being achieved as a result of the site redesign and there are a lot of opportunities to increase them even further. A lot of time and work went into the digital “plumbing” behind the site to make sure it was optimized for the future. The new site is crisp, clean and well defined and I think it looks great.
The Directory
Looking great is really not much good to anyone if it is not helpful and this is where my focus will be during the first half of the year. Currently the directory portion of the site contains 174 listings of which 79 are racing teams, 68 are racing series and 27 are motorsport services or suppliers. I am in the process of revamping these existing listings while incorporating into the directory the over 1323 listings I currently have in my database. Everything from physical trainers to simulator companies to telemetry to sponsorship acquisition courses to junior scholarship programs and more. As you can see, I am only just getting started with the directory.
Another feature I will be introducing in the new year is an Events section. Here you will find webinars, seminars, trade shows and other events of interest to all drivers. Whether it is an online course on sponsorship acquisition, an in-person seminar on telemetry or an organized track walk at a track you will be racing at, they will be on the events page. And if you or your company put on driver-related events, please contact with me via the contact page and I will make sure to add it to the page.
Another new addition will be a regular newsletter. The details are currently being worked out, especially as to the frequency of it but here I will be featuring updates on what is coming to the site blog, new additions to the directory, announcements and deadlines from the industry as well as newsletter exclusives.
Motorsport Prospects Consulting
Finally, one of the things that has come up in talking to various drivers as well as their parents and advisors is that they like the idea of the directory but they just don’t have the time to use it to do their research, or they have very specific needs not covered within it. For these situations I will be launching Motorsport Prospects Consulting, a bespoke consulting service tailored to a client’s individual needs and requirements. Fully customized and exclusive to them, this confidential service will give the client the information they need to make the right motorsport-related decisions. Expect a number of different packages and options available to suit any drivers’ budget.
The Mission Remains the Same
There are even more features in the works, but details will be communicated the closer we get to their launch. For now, rest assured that the mission of Motorsport Prospects will always remain the same, which is to maximize your motorsport potential with the resources you need to make the right decisions now.
Here is to a happy and safe holiday season and a successful 2020. The next blog post will be published on January 13, 2020.
Happy holidays everyone! Thank you for your continuing support.