This week I have some great sponsorship ideas and inspiration for you. From partnering with eco-friendly businesses to going from hobby to hustle, there is something here to get you thinking as you work to get your sponsors aligned for 2024.
All this and the view from the sponsors side of the negotiating table in this edition of The Business of Being a Race Driver on Motorsport Prospects.
The Business of Racing
From the Driver’s Point of View

In How Brands Drive Sustainability Through Motorsport Partnerships, professional race driver Alexander Koreiba explains how brands are aligning their green initiatives with strategic motorsport sponsorships. You can read it on Motorsport Prospects here.
From Hobby to Hustle is a great webinar featuring Chelsea Hopkins. You can watch a recording of the webinar here.
“Join us for another VIP guest webinar session with Chelsea Hopkins, Social Media Manager at Fasthosts by day and Off-Road Racer + owner at Escape Goat Racing by night! We will be discussing how to make a business from a hobby, how to do so alongside full time work, and how to get all that mud off after a race 😂 Chelsea is a delight and will be open to questions – join us LIVE to get yours answered!”
Charlotte Woods of The Athlete Brand Buzz gives you 10 Engaging Content Ideas for Athletes.
From the Sponsor’s Point of View
Sports marketing company Sport Dimensions explains why sponsorship works more than ever in 2024.
“Our foundational belief is that much of traditional media is “interruptive” by nature. It is unnatural, forcing you to view their pitch while you’d rather be watching/listening to something else. In sports, especially motorsports, sponsorship is enthusiastically accepted and intrinsically linked to a team/driver’s ability to compete.”
Charge Sponsorship provides a guide to selling sponsorship with small small audiences.
“In the dynamic world of sponsorship, the size and engagement of an audience play a pivotal role in attracting and securing sponsorships. This reality can pose a significant challenge for new businesses or entities with smaller audiences. As sponsorship consultants, we often encounter sponsorship sellers who grapple with the dilemma of pursuing sponsorships with their current small audience or focusing on audience growth. This article aims to shed light on this predicament and offer guidance on effectively selling sponsorship for properties with small (or no) audiences.”
Power Sponsorship presents Sponsor Strategies for a Great 2024. “Things you can do and plan now that will make sponsorship more effective, efficient, accountable, and fun. To that end, I’ve compiled some of the highest-leverage changes sponsors can make, along with some short, sharp action items to get you going.”